Episode 25: Finding headspace with Leslie Witt

Episode 25: Finding headspace with Leslie Witt

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As recently as a decade ago, most of Western culture dismissed meditation as a sort of “touchy-feely” pursuit with no real value.

Thanks in large part to the rise of meditation apps like Headspace however, that attitude has dramatically shifted from one of skepticism to one of curiosity heading towards broad acceptance. And just in time too as the pandemic and lockdown revealed for all of us the perilous state of the mental health system and the importance of emotional self-care.

Our guest today is Leslie Witt, the Chief Product and Designer Officer at Headspace. In this episode we’ll touch on the importance of preventive mental health as well as the challenges of taking care of yourself when you’re also struggling with the demands of being a business executive, a mom, and of course—your own full person.

Resources from this episode

Re:considering explores how to navigate your career, relationships, and the values that guide you through the inevitable changes of life. Each episode co-hosts Bob Baxley, Meredith Black, and Aarron Walter talk with people who’ve figured a few things out about living a satisfying life filled with meaning and show you how you can too.