1: The myths of happiness with Bill Burnett

1: The myths of happiness with Bill Burnett

For most people the ingredients that go into a satisfying life are mysterious. Certainly career and relationships play a big role but they don’t always go as planned which makes satisfaction and happiness mercurial.

Bill Burnett, Executive Director of the Design Program at Stanford, founder of Stanford’s Life Design Lab, and co-author of two best selling books Designing Your Life and Designing Your Work Life, thinks of life as a design problem that can be prototyped and iterated upon using design thinking.

Maybe you’re the type of person who already has a life plan. Congrats, you’re a rare breed. The problem with most life plans is that our pathway in life is ever changing. How do we plan for the unexpected?

In our conversation with Bill he helps us see that change in life is a feature, not a bug. It creates opportunities for incremental improvements and growth. 

After a historic year of transformation we are all well positioned to rethink life and design something new for ourselves with clarity of convictions and a recognition of what’s real. Bill’s approach to life design will help you get started in your own process.


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Re:considering explores how to navigate your career, relationships, and the values that guide you through the inevitable changes of life. Each episode co-hosts Bob Baxley, Meredith Black, and Aarron Walter talk with people who’ve figured a few things out about living a satisfying life filled with meaning and show you how you can too.